Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's been a real busy day here in Kitchener.

An 5.0 earthquake (which I didn't feel personally because I was driving at the time but heard all about) and friends who live not too far away are still under tornado watches and warnings while experiencing extreme weather..... it was also my daughter's grade 8 graduation day.

I didn't know what to expect when we arrived for the ceremony. Imagine our surprise when we see in the program that our kid won academic awards in every subject but science (hehe),. But that's not all. She made the honour roll (that we thought might happen) and was also a recipient of the silver medallion (for extra curricular stuff - sharp shooters, wrestling, track, library helpers...) Holy Smokes!! How'd I get so lucky to have such a great, successful kid? I'm one proud mama over here!!

Anyway.... have an excellent evening. Stay safe .... blog tomorrow!

1 comment:

Tracey said...

She reached all these goals by having loving and supportive parents!!! Good Job!!! Lovely photo!